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Our guarantee

We're committed to creating lessons and learning resources that are fun, appropriate and purposeful for your children. Delivered by a phonics expert, our one-to-one tuition and tuition boxes are distilled to their simplest, purest purpose:

to be exactly what children need at each stage.


Your satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us at Fabulous at Phonics!

Please contact us with any questions or comments.

The tool kit to support reading at home
How to use your Phonics Tuition Box
the five principles (the five Ps)
  • Where can I find my lessons?
    Lessons are hosted on our website. Simply log into your account and head over to 'Lessons' on the main menu.
  • Where do I direct questions, comments or issues?
    Reach out to us anytime here. We aim to respond within 24 hours.
  • How does the Phonics Tuition Box subscription work?
    The Phonics Tuition Box subscription programme delivers stage-based phonics lessons and resources directly to your door every month. As phonics specialists, we have the expertise to know what learning is right for your child’s literacy journey stage by stage, accompanied by high quality lessons, books, resources and activities that help you support your child learning to read and write. The lessons, products and information in each delivery are informed by published educational research and curated by myself as a phonics consultant for a UK local authority. On top of lessons and resources, you will also get support and access to our community.
  • How do I subscribe and get started with our first delivery?
    To get started, simply hit one of the ‘Get Started’ buttons found in various locations around the site. Tell us about your child's current learning, your name, email and set a medium strength password and you are good to go!
  • How do I know which box to choose?
    During the sign up process, you will be asked for your child's name, date of birth and current school year group which will direct you to our relevant product page. The recommended Phonics Tuition box is based on the information provided so that it aligns with their learning in school. However, if you would like more support on which box to choose please get in touch, we are happy to help!
  • How do I retrieve my username and password?
    Your username is your email address, and your password can be reset through the 'Log In' icon located at the top right of the navigation in the menu or under 'Support' in the footer at the bottom of each page.
  • How do I edit my account details?
    To edit your account details, simply login to your account if you aren’t already, head over to ‘My Account’. Here, you can view and edit your personal info. When you are done, just click ‘Update Info’.
  • When do you charge my credit card or payment method?
    You will be billed as soon as you sign up. You will then be billed on the same date every month going forward. For example, if you sign up on the 6th of September, then your next billing date is the 6th of October. It is not currently possible to change billing dates.
  • How do I add and edit payment details?
    Log into your account and click on the ‘My Wallet’ option. Here, you can remove or add new payment details by clicking 'Remove Card' or ‘Add new card’. When you are done, just click ‘Save changes’.
  • How do I add a discount code?
    To add a discount code, simply add it in the middle of the checkout page when purchasing your subscription. It will ask for your discount code, simply enter it and click ‘Apply discount’ to receive the recalculated price further down the page. You will receive a notification to tell you your discount code has been ‘Successfully applied’.
  • Will my subscription automatically renew?
    Yes, your Phonics Tuition Box subscription will automatically renew with the same commitment period until you either cancel your subscription, effective after the existing subscription commitment period, or Fabulous at Phonics! no longer offers products for your child's age.
  • When can I cancel?
    We work hard to provide the best experience possible and the best products for every age; however, you can turn off your auto-renewal at any time. Just log in to your account, click on the 'My Subscriptions' option and select cancel. If you have committed to a multi-month subscription and have boxes left to receive you will be charged for, and will be shipped the remaining boxes. Then upon completion of your original commitment, your subscription will be cancelled if you have followed the steps above and it will not automatically renew. For example, if you sign up for a 6-month subscription and you set your account to cancel and have paid for 4 boxes, you will be charged for another 2 before your subscription finishes. Please remember we have to process subscriptions. You need to cancel 24 hours before your renewal to ensure you don't get charged.
  • How much does shipping cost?
    Postage and packaging is FREE to UK destinations. We do not currently ship internationally.
  • When will I receive subsequent boxes and access to new lessons?
    All of our boxes are posted at the same time, usually, on or around the 25th of the month. Lessons are also updated on the 25th of each month.
  • How do I change my shipping address?
    To edit your account details, simply login to your account if you aren’t already, head over to ‘My Addresses’. Here you can add and manage the addresses you use often. When you are done, just click ‘Update Address’. If you need assistance, please contact us.
  • When will I get access to lessons and receive my first delivery?
    All of our boxes are posted at the same time: on or around the 25th of the month. They are sent via Royal Mail, so should take a couple of days to make their way to you. Lessons are updated and available on the website on the 25th of each month. To receive the current month’s lessons and box, all orders must be placed by the 25th of the month. Don’t worry if you placed your order after the 25th, you will be top of the list for the following month’s box and lessons.
Have questions about your order, or a general enquiry?
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