Names... we all have them. Nearly all names have a meaning and the naming of children is often marked by an important ceremony. For example, in Bangladesh, when a new baby is named, a number of names are written on pieces of paper and each one is placed is front of a candle. The candles are then lit and the name in front of the one which burns the longest is the name given to the child. In West Africa, names indicate the occasion of the child's birth. If the child was born during the rains, the child may be given a name which means "Rain" or "Water". Many people of widely different cultures or religions name their children after a relative, either living or dead, whom the parents wish to honour. Psychologists go on to argue that names are signs of personal identity and can mark social status, rank and relationships.
The ability of young children to recognise, say and write their name are often seen as major milestones in a child's learning journey and development. Try some of these activities to support children of any age in understanding the significance of their name.
What to do ...
- together, talk with your child about their name
- try and find out what your child's name means- look in libraries, on the internet or ask other members of your family
- write your child's name in large letters on paper
- look through catalogues and brochures for pictures of items that begin with the same letters as the letters in your child's name
- stick these pictures next to the matching letters
